Yard Salad and Surprise Quiche
On the hunt for more energy and micronutrients, I’ve hit hard what our family likes to call the “Yard Salad.” I take my colander and go clip anything and everything that is edible in my yard.
Borage flowers (taste like cucumber!)
One large marigold bloom torn asunder
Red malabar spinach leaves finely chopped
Nasturtium leaves and blooms
Sage, basil, lambs quarter, dandelion greens finely chopped
Green onion
The last of the spring lettuce
Three types of tomatoes
A scoop of homemade pesto (garden basil, olive oil, pecans from a friend, minced garlic, garden red runner bean leaves)
Splash of balsamic vinegar
Dash of garlic salt
Homemade quiche*
*We read a delightful book called “How to Feed Your Parents” that featured a quiche recipe in the back. Harriet loved the hilarity of the picky eating parents, and was very excited to make the quiche. I tend to avoid last minute, complicated cooking with my six year old, but this time we went for it. We had to borrow a can of milk from our neighbor Frances, but that only added to the sweetness of the experience. Harriet got to walk down to her house independently. Frances told me that she handed Hare the milk, and Harriet said, “Thank you, this is so kind of you.” I say these words a lot. I was overcome with the power of my repetitive words and actions. What we say and do matters and spreads onward, especially with our children.
I like to imagine all the rain and sunshine that has fallen on my garden and know that it is in my body too after a yard salad. What if we all walked around full of local sunshine and rain?